Open March to December, we offer plants and decorations for all seasons. Enjoy our selection of Easter flowers, pansies and cold tolerant perennials and annuals in early Spring; zinnias, cannas and heat tolerant beauties in the Summer; mums, grasses, asters and cabbages in the Fall; and Christmas trees, wreaths, grave coverings, poinsettias, Christmas cactus and other holiday favorites in the Winter. Stop in during all seasons for something new and festive!
In addition to our seasonal plant offerings, we carry a variety of fun and attractive seasonal décor for inside and outside your home. Below are some examples of what we have in store, but inventory is always changing, so stop in to see the latest in seasonal plants and décor!
Check out more of the gardening products and home décor we carry in store here.

We are continuing to add to our online plant catalog.
Please contact Alex for current availability and check back here soon!
Contact us or visit our Garden Center
(609) 758-7500

257 Route 539
Cream Ridge, NJ